Do you long to write? Do you have a story in your heart? Are you compelled to share your story to help the world? You have permission! Chris Tracy is once again bringing her writing class to Comfort Cabin. She will be teaching from her new book, The Art of Writing, being released in September. What does God have to say to writers? You will learn to look at your creative life from the viewpoint of the Throne Room of Heaven. Chris is a writing coach and a Certified Awaken the Author Guide with Throne Publishing Group. "My great delight is to help launch writers to achieve the dreams in their heart," she notes. Whether you are a letter, blog, or book writer-or if you just like to hang with creative people-this will be a perfect day. Bring a notebook and pen and be ready to write and share.
This class will be $25.00.
Kid friendly for age 13 and up.
There will be a lunch break. We will go to Doug's Diner which is 1 minute from Comfort Cabin. If you prefer you can bring a lunch.
RSVP is crucial. Please RSVP to 303-916-9191